Hello everyone and welcome to my first blog post.
My name is Chinyere Stallworth and I am a sophomore here at Trinity. I have played violin for 12 years and graduated from Bellaire High School. I love anime, Korean pop music and Korean dramas. If I am at a party, I prefer to dance the night away and have a great time. I am interested in Neuroscience and a hopeful brain surgeon (fingers crossed).I was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, but I moved to Houston when I was around 7 and I consider Texas my home state. I love Texas and all its people because of the Southern hospitality, the great food and the amazingly open people.
Here at Trinity, I am involved in Black Student Union, Korean Student Association and the Orientation Team (O-team). I plan to rush APO, Sigmas, Gammas and the International Business Fraternity and become more involved in Anime and Pokemon Club and the Doctor Who Society
I know how to use Microsoft Office, Excel, BASIC (for computer programming), AUTOCAD, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Adobe Reader, most things from Google like Sites, Drive, Calender, Mail and Windows Movie Maker. I love Trinity and hope to learn a lot from this class!
Contact me at my email address: cstallw1@trinity.edu with any questions, concerns or comments! Have a great day!