Thursday, December 4, 2014

My new Website!

You are invited to visit my new website!

I had a hard time making this website because of what I wanted to get my point across to people. I want people to reach out and try something new. Kpop is something that has been apart of  my life for a few years now. I think anyone can enjoy this music because even though it is in a different language and a different culture, I firmly believe that people can enjoy something out of their comfort zone. I gave multiple video links to different types of Kpop genres. I gave reasons for at least considering to try to listen to Kpop. At first, linking the pages was a problem. Then, the pictures and videos of all the different groups were a little hard to find. Even when I did find them, certain browsers would't recognize them.

My favorite websites were Thomas's and Judson's websites. They were both professional looking and expressed things they really enjoyed. I would gladly hire them if I wanted to make a website. The links were put within pictures in Thomas's and Judson's had an amazing color scheme with a tribute to someone. I thought they were both awesome!

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